
  • Birthday
  • Different Teacher
  • Different Medication
Event though I do not time stamp this blog, which may eventually change in the future for archive purposes.  My son's birthday was yesterday.  He is now 7 years old.  I just looked at his face and I am embraced with overwhelming amounts of images of him growing up!  It just amazes me how so much can change and what little adults they become.  He is a boy filled with energy, he loves being helpful to others and who loves to smile and laugh hysterically! lol.  He now wants to do everything on his own.  I also noticed that he has become more oppositional and still has difficulties transitioning to the next task (such as getting ready for bed, to take a shower, to eat, etc.).  He pouts, yells out no, begins to cry, drop to the ground and stomp this feet...basically a tantrum that lasts about 3 to 5 minutes.  I have been quite busy and because of this I've seen some areas in helping him with his behavior problems have been neglected at home; which is usually results in yelling and sending him to his room (which doesn't do anything for the behavior!).  Also, I feel it has been neglected in the sense, that I have lagged in doing some research and actually implementing a structured plan. This will be discussed further in the "Route" section.

Different Teacher
Since the last time I wrote in this blog, he has graduated to 1st grade, he is now half way through school and I have seen some great changes.  He has a knew teacher, with the still same amount of children in the class (six) with a 2:1 ratio (two children to one teacher/teacher aid).  His teacher is very patient, understands my son's disabilities and has been very good in communicating with me what has been going on in class with easy access to contacting her if we need to talk.  This ;has helped out in a huge way, especially when it comes to linking up the support power in helping my son with daily tasks, to learning and observing his behavior.  We look out for changes, advantages, and help stir him in the right direction.   At the moment has behavior, speech and occupational therapy. 

Different Medication
Since last year, my son stopped taking Clonidine, that medication was just a great nightmare.  I didn't like the fact that it made him extra sleepy, drowsy and did nothing for his behavior when it came to focusing on task.   He went on for the last three months of Pre-Kindergarden with no medication (which caused great complaints from his teacher at that time and after school care) and the first two months of first grade.  However, after talking to his teacher, I understood her concern for his inability to focus in class and was suggested to find medication that may help.  I had to stand back, and not allow anyone to influence my decision process on placing my son back on medication, for the fact that I don't want to do it for them.  I had to make sure I was doing it for him!  And that's when  I decided to take him to his doctor for an ADHD evaluation.  If my son can't focus in school, this could affect him academically but emotionally as well, this could damage his self-esteem and cause major stress due to the fact that he wants to but has a great deal doing so.  He doesn't need that!

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