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(ABA) Applied Behavior Analysis
Evidence based therapy using techniques based on behavioral science used to improve social significant behaviors through observation and experimentation to identify factors that causes such behaviors.

ABA Therapist
An individual whose therapy methods are based on Applied Behavior Analysis. 

Stands for Antecedent- Behavior- Consequence.

The event that happens right before the behavior.

Behavior Modification Therapy
 Therapy focused on behavioral science, more modernly known as ABA.  see Applied Behavior Analysis.

DRO (Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior)
A reinforcement that is presented immediately after a desirable (appropriate) behavior that is absent with the problem behavior that will help increase the desirable behavior in the future.

The absence of a consequence (reinforcer) that immediately used to take place right after the behavior, used to decrease the probability of that behavior presenting itself in the future.

Extinction Burst
The result of the extinction process that causes the behavior's (that had the consequence muted) magnitude and frequency to increase.

Functional Analysis/ Assessment
 The observation and experimentation process where the ABC (antecedent- behavior- consequence) relationship is explored and manipulated in different settings: while the person is alone, when the person is demanded to do something, when the person is given attention due to the behavior or deprived from it; and when the person is given the reinforcer at all times not necessarily only after the behavior is presented.

Negative Punishment
A consequence that is removed immediately after a behavior that has the effect to decrease the probability of that same behavior presenting itself in the future.

Negative Reinforcement
A consequence that is removed immediately after a behavior that has the effect to increase the probability of that same behavior presenting itself in the future.

Consumption of non-edible items.

Positive Punishment
A consequence that is presented immediately after a behavior that has the effect to decrease the probability of that same behavior presenting itself in the future.

Positive Reinforcement
 A consequence that is presented immediately after a behavior that has the effect to increase the probability of that same behavior presenting itself in the future.

A consequence that happens immediately after a behavior that has the  effect to increase the probability of that same behavior presenting itself in the future.

A consequence that happens immediately after a behavior that has the effect to increase the probability of that same behavior  presenting itself in the future.

Response Cost
A form of negative punishment, where a reinforcer earned in the past was in the present moment taken away; which will decrease the probability of the problem behavior from happening in the future.

A decrease in a behavior due to the high repetitive amount of a reinforcer that is present immediately after the behavior that will reduce the effectiveness of the of the reinforcer.

An individuals personality since birth with permanent effects on their behavior.

Token System
A behavior modification system to track reinforcer points that can be exchanged for other reinforcers. (also known as Token Economy)

An individual moving from the end of one activity to the beginning of another activity.

Treatment Plan
After the Functional Analysis has been completed the next step is to develop and implement a plan that uses a certain consequence to modify the behavior.

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