
Hi to all and welcome to my blog!  I decided to do one on parenting because I know how frustrating and rewarding it can be.  Especially if you have a child with special needs.  You have been given so many addition roles compared to the typical mom.  You have to deal with high frequency of behavior that can sometimes come with impulsive behaviors, extreme meltdowns, elopements (running away with no sight of danger), an abnormal fear of objects or events, lack of verbal skills, clumsiness, rigidity to transitions, extreme physical sensitivities  etc.   On tope of that, you have to be the case manager, dealing with setting up appointments for therapies, specialist, and doctors.  Plus you have to include your role to continue therapy at home, whether it's speech, occupational and behavioral.  You're even sometimes involved in awesome events, such as walk-a-thons, and events like the Special Olympics.  We are super parents who are tough, so smart and resistant!  We are raising the most unique and amazing human beings!  You have to be super proud of that!
I always knew that parenting wasn't easy, but to also find out that parenting in the traditional manner doesn't work for my son can be frustrating & disheartening.  But it's just a great reminder that life is all about learning...and I need lots of it!  And so do you!  I'm very interested in your opinions, comments, and your own stories.

About Me
I am a special education teacher, teaching at the preschool level (Which I love!).  I am currently a college student working on my masters in Special Education and earned my BA in Psychology.  In addition,  I took extra courses in the concentration of Experimental Behavioral Analysis (EAB).  Which I used to prior to my teaching career to practice as a behavioral therapist for children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).   My Goal:  I  plan to get my license and certification to continue to practice professionally as a Behavior Analysis by the standards of the  Behavior Analysis Certification Board.  With this certification, I will be independently eligible to work with children with special needs (e.g. children with autism, sensory processing disorders, etc.) in the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Community.  We psychologically focus on the behavioral aspect of individuals to improve their habitation to shape them into individuals with skills that they can one day use independently.

This is just basically my  lifelog when it comes to interactions in this area of my life.  In addition, I want to allow individuals who are in my similar position (special education students, parents of special needs children, etc) or who want to learn about what is like to be in this experience to have the opportunity to share and receive information related to this subject.  And as always, question and comments are highly encouraged.

My Style of Writing
If you can't see already...the way I write it quick and to the point. Blogs to me  are sometimes time-consuming and this is something I want to do on a daily basis.  So to compromise with my busy life...I have decided to write in a way I would "log" information down in categories.  Plus it's how I talk and how my brain operates.

Thank you

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