
  • Behavior Change
  • Behavior Modification Therapy
  • Death & Other Things To Understand
Behavior Change
I've been focusing on working on my son's disruptive behavior.  Sometimes though, I feel a little skeptical of everything his teacher says of him.  I feel like he exaggerates.  Maybe I'm in denial.  I still can't think of my son as be so out of control, disruptive, uncontrollably hyper and dangerous to his peers.  He is only six years old.  However, with that said, I am trying to shape his behavior at home with little knowledge on how to do so.  I have some knowledge of Behavior Modification, since I am a psych major, but still does not qualify me.

Behavior Modification Therapy
I have gone ahead and contacted a specialist in this area approximately a month ago.  I've seen someone twice.  Two different people for almost the same thing.  One person interviewed me and my son at our house, I assume it was for Psych Evaluation as our neurologist has suggested (prescribed).  And the second person is supposed to be his therapist. My expectancy from this experience is to gain some helpful knowledge on what I can do to shape my son's behavior, but I would say the last time I have interacted with his therapist was a month ago.  I will contact her soon and see what she has been up to.  She said that we will meet at the house once a month but she will be observing him at different settings (such as his school and his after-school care program). 

Death & Other Things To Understand
Taking about his after-school care program, recently a counselor has passed away.  He was very young and I am still heartbroken and can't really get his image out of my head.  However, I haven't had the guts to tell my son, and in a way don't know how.  How will he understand that someone died?  It's so hard for me to tell him that when he goes to school today he can't not walk or stand on his desk.  I tell ask him if he understands...but he just repeats what I told him yesterday about listening to the teacher and says "I listened".   But obviously he didn't.  I know my son isn't "stupid".  But I really want to find a way to see if he understands what I'm saying...people say I treat him like he's dumb...but yet I don't get feedback from him that proves he understands what I'm saying. 

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