Hello to all...

  • New Blog
  • My Style of Writing
  • School Conference
  • Jacob's Lesson
New Blog
Hi to all and welcome to my new blog.  This is my first personal blog, I usually do blogs on my interests (culinary and science).  But I decided to do one on parenting, focusing on the relationship between me and my son.  And basically to share the good times, the bad and the ugly. 

I always knew that parenting isn't easy, but to also find out that parenting in the traditional manner, doesn't work for my son  and I either can be frustrating & disheartening.  But it's just a great reminder that life is all about learning...and I need lots of it!  I'm very interested in your opinions and stories.  Feel free to comment on any posts.

My Style of Writing
If you can't see already...the way I write it quick and to the point. Blogs to me  are sometimes time consuming and this is something I want to do on a daily basis.  So to compromise with my busy life...I have decided to write in a way I would "log" information down in categories.  Plus it's how I talk and how my brain operates...

School Conference
 I was a little bit nervous about going to my son's first school conference with his teacher.  But it turned out to be a very positive experience.  I was always curious to know what he does in school on a daily basis.  Because of my son's behavior issues and what his teachers have told me in the past (jumping on desk, biting, hitting, not listening and running away), I thought it would be a meeting filled with complaints from the "administration's panel board". 

But it wasn't.  It was just me and his teacher explaining to me his surprises, accomplishments and concerns.  He's seems to be working better with his motor skills, colors and shapes.  But his hyperactivity (which was always an issue) had noticeably increased.  I believe his response to his medication is changing. 

Well, I will have to wait and see what his neurologist has to say in March.  I was hoping to change his medication (Clonidine) to something else that doesn't make him sleepy and be more effective when it comes to his attention span. 

Jacob's Lessons
I was telling my son's teacher how he likes to use my laptop tablet to play some educational games on Nick Jr.  My son's teacher has introduced me to a website called Jacob's Lessons.  I will try it out with my son tonight and see how it goes.  Have you used this site before? Let me know your experiences.

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