A good start...

  • New Page Group
  • Easier Transition
  • Question
New Page Group
Well I joined a Facebook page called "Support for Parents  of Children with ADD/ADHD".  This is a great page, because it is not only for parents with children this condition, but it's for other disorders as well.  I basically introduced myself and someone already commented on my post and gave me great information and a link to a Website that helps parents like me with support, workshops, training and educational resources called Parent Center Network.

Easier Transition
Well I clicked on the link and found more information in my local area.  Then I remembered the fact and the reality that I will be moving soon.  And me and my son will be relocating to a different county, basically back to my hometown.  And I was very nervous about moving back home and worrying about taking my son out of school to be drop off at a totally different school with a different scene with probable culture shock.  Well, I found the link provided by Prent Center Network called Parent to Parent that is localized in Miami. I'm really looking forward to be able to connect with other parents that are going through the same things as me.

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