To much can damage...

  • Chart
  • Satiation
  • Response Cost
Currently working on a visual chart with daily task that me and my son can use to communicate on what needs to be done to help with each task transition.  I believe this will help greatly in communicating what is expected every day.  In addition, on the chart I will be able to keep tract of this tokens and will able to visual show his reinforcers (so that he knows what he's working for).

I've recently learned how important this is.  The value of the dollars given to my son can be determined by how much I give him per day.  For instance what happens if he earned 20 a day?  The value of the dollars would decrease, plus he would be able to abuse the use of the reinforcers.  In turn, the reinforcers will not be as potent as they should be.  In order for a behavior to be affected by a reinforcer: (1) It has to be something the child really values.  Reinforcers solely depends on the each child and (2)  And the availability of the reinforcer has to be restricted.  In other words, he/she can't get that reinforcer for anywhere or from anybody else.  If so, it will be hard to get them to work for it.

Response Cost
I have decided to use punishment.  I basically will be taking away a dollar each time he has to be in time out in order to immediately decrease an unwanted behavior.  But I will have to plan this carefully.  Because I don't want to have to send him to time out for everything.  And he shouldn't have all this tokens taken away, because that will weaken the reinforcer.  So I will choose the top main "socially significant" behaviors that I will be using time out for only.  More about this will be discussed later.

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